Restaurant Review: Apteka

Category: European Eatery and Bar Price Range: $$$$$ (5 $ being most expensive) Location: Bloomfield, Pittsburgh, PA   Who it’s for: Anyone and everyone! While you may think a completely plant-based menu with Eastern/Central European roots would be too niche, every item is so thoughtfully created and hearty that all diners will walk away satisfied. […]


Reducing Food Waste

Did you know nearly $35 million tons of food waste is generated every year? Obviously some of this is a consumption issue, and certainly choosing to eat a plant-based diet the best thing you can do for your personal health and the well-being of the environment. Beyond distribution issues, which means food to that’s wasted […]


Navigating College Meal Plans

Here’s a stereotype with some truth to it: in college, most people gain weight their first year. It’s not the end of the world, and could be due to stress, heavy alcohol consumption, or hormones. The steady diet of pizza, subs, and ice cream from the school’s dining hall also plays a role for many. […]


Vegan Thanksgiving Alternatives

The holidays are here! While it’s a great time to enjoy the presence of our families (related and chosen), it can also be stressful if you are newly vegan and unsure how to modify your favorite dishes.