Vegan Coconut Cold Brew in Mason Jar

Coconut Cold Brew Coffee

Coconut Cold Brew Coffee is the ultimate warm-weather drink. Subtly sweet and extra smooth, you only need five vegan ingredients to make this refreshingly simple drink.

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Nothing screams summer like a refreshing glass of cold brew coffee. I admit I have a bit of an caffeine dependence, so making most of my drinks at home is more economical and allows me to experiment with unique recipes.

Cold brew is one of my go-to drinks in the morning because it is less acidic than regular coffee and has a flavor that, while strong, can be enjoyed without the addition of lots of frothed milk or sweeteners.

All you need is 5 simple ingredients:

  • ground coffee a self-explanatory requirement for this recipe
  • cold water to brew the coffee coffee overnight
  • coconut water adds a light flavor; use more or less than this recipe calls for depending on your preference
  • dairy-free milk to make foam with
  • maple syrup for sweetness

What makes cold brew different than other coffee?

Like the name implies, cold brew is made with cold, rather than hot water. This process takes longer to extract coffee flavor, but I think this method leads to a smoother, less acidic taste.

How long does it take to make cold brew coffee?

Making cold brew is almost an overnight process– it should sit in the fridge for at least 14 hours, but no longer than 18. I usually make my cold brew after dinner so it’s ready to go in the morning.

What if I don’t have a cold brew maker?

Not a problem! Cold brew coffee doesn’t need special equipment to make. Use a plain glass jar with the ratios of liquid and coffee grounds listed in this recipe. When it’s time to strain the grounds out, use a nut milk bag or pasta strainer and a coffee filter to separate them. I use this mason jar and filter to steep mine, but only because I make cold brew coffee so often!

How do you get dairy-free milk to foam?

I use my Nespresso Aeroccino to make foam, but if you don’t have a machine you can do it manually with a lidded mason jar and ice. Simple add dairy-free milk (I use a mix of oat and coconut milk in the recipe) to a mason jar with ice, and shake 3 to 4 times. Strain the foamed dairy-free milk into your drink and enjoy!

Coconut Cold Brew Coffee




Prep time

5 minutes

Cooking time

14+ hours (passive)


  • 8 ounces coarsely-ground coffee

  • 10 ounces water

  • 8 ounces coconut water

  • 1/2 cup dairy-free milk

  • 2 tablespoon maple syrup (optional)


  • Place coffee grounds in mesh cold-brew container or over several filters within a mason jar.
  • Cover coffee grounds with cold water and coconut water.
  • After about 5 minutes, gently stir the coffee grounds.
  • Cover and place in fridge for 14-18 hours.
  • After it’s fully brewed, take the filter off and throw away (or compost!) the wet grounds.
  • Pour cold brew coffee in a glass filled with ice.
  • Top with maple syrup or other sweetener/coffee flavor, if desired.
  • Foam dairy-free milk with frother or by shaking. Add to cold brew.

The routine of making Coconut Cold Brew Coffee is simple, but can be customized based on your preferences. If you are not a huge fan of the nutty flavor of coconut water, adjust the ratios in this recipe so you’re using more water in place of coconut water. I’ve also enjoyed this drink with cinnamon on top and extra coffee flavor syrups, and it is so much better than a drink from Starbucks!

Speaking of Starbucks, if you’re on a roll making coffee at home, try using my recipe for Starbucks At Home: Brown Sugar Oat Shaken Espresso.

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